Marc Kandel (NEW YORK)
Photo: @Miggychagon Iron Man, the Silver Centurion and later the Modular armor, were chosen as all my builds are, from a period from roughly 1982 to 1994, the height of my Marvel Comics readership. These were the stories that moved me, inspired me, that I couldn’t get enough of, and an alarming number of years…
Buffalo’s Best Batman (Buffalo, NY)
William Lorenz, Jr. may not be a name you immediately recognize; however, Lorenz’s alter-ego has brought him increasingly into the spotlight as Buffalo’s Best Batman. Ever since Lorenz earned this moniker in a contest it’s stuck, but what stands out more than just the name is Lorenz’s charity work and community service. We caught up…
Dash Gordon (League City, TX)
Not all heroes wear capes; however, in the appropriately comic book sounding League City, Texas, there’s one hero who certainly does, and his good deeds are getting noticed. That hero is Dash Gordon, alter-ego of gregarious, family man Timothy Glover, whose early attempts to connect with his community while DoorDashing morphed into a life of…