Deadpool was one of the first comic book characters that I really connected with. The humor and antics were so funny, and it’s one of the only comic series that I collect. Well, I stumbled across the alternate universe timeline and that’s when I first saw Lady Deadpool, who’s just as awesome and badass!
This was not long before C2E2 and I was dead set on getting that on my list for the convention.I ordered an airsoft gun off Amazon and cut it up/painted it to look like a gun in the comics, ordered a utility belt and made a belt buckle, and ordered all my fabric for the zentai suit.
Time was running out though and I needed some help with things I couldn’t do on my own (tracing out lines on the zentai suit base for the black details, eye holes…the important stuff), so along to the con came my sewing machine.

My roomies both helped draw lines, stay up with me while I sewed, and later, glue last minute things on to my feet lol. And it worked! Lady Deadpool was actually functioning and made it to the con floor. It went over really well and was a lot of fun to do.It wasn’t the first or last time one of us needed to finish a costume at con.
I grew up in rural Wisconsin without access to much other than the internet. I’d always loved nerdy things and sort of saw costuming from afar, and remember thinking “I wish I could do something like that!”. In college, I met one of my good friends Susan who had been cosplaying for a few years at that point, who told me about a local convention. We proceeded to plan our first costumes together (and my first ever) and the rest was history!