Well I don’t believe I really became a geek until my first time at Senshi Con back in 2012-2013. I didn’t know about the cosplay world until I went there. After that I started becoming a real fan of it and wanted to try making a cosplay. But because of how the geek society judges women who cosplay kept me back. Being a big black girl leads me to being criticized in the geek world. So I didn’t do it. But then for 2017 my best friend and I decided to go ahead and stop worrying about what others would think and actually have fun with it.
So we started making our first cosplay outfits which turned out to be pretty fun. We started about maybe 2 months before Senshi Con and got all the materials we would need to make an easy closet cosplay. I learned how to sew in order to make my cosplay. I made sure to make time every weekend to complete bit by bit as I didn’t want to be rushing on the week before. In the end, I finished a week ahead.
Cosplaying for the first time was an adventure. Some people recognized my outfit off the bat. But there were some things that weren’t really comfortable. I started thinking that I could’ve done this or that part better. But in the end, I had so much fun and enjoyed seeing everyone with their cosplays. Next year, we plan on doing it bigger and making something even better. We have a whole year to do it but I’m starting to figure out the items I will need now for it. Hopefully I will do them justice.

So in 2018, I decided to do something simple. In the end, it turned into a huge project! I decided to do Lulu from FFX. It took me a year to do this because I didn’t know what I was doing haha. I got all the materials to sew the base of the dress. The problem I had was all the belts. I didn’t know how to make fake ones so I went to all the thrift store and found real ones. I made a whole like ….panel of belts. It worked until I tried walking in it. I just couldn’t figure out how to get it work. But my best friend (Toya) said I should enter into the contest at Senshicon. So I did. I was a novice so I felt I didn’t have the skills like many others. In the end, the judges bumped me into the intermediate category and I won first place. I didn’t think I did that well but obviously the time and effort it took me must’ve had some effect on the judges. It was great to know that what I did was something great!
Now that it’s 2022, i started going to other conventions. I went to only ones in Alaska. Alaska Comicon in Fairbanks and Arctic’s Comicon in Anchorage I have also decided to go out of state to my first huge con at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle. It was a little overwhelming but also so much fun. I met so many nice people and people enjoyed my subzero outfit. I was definitely be going back to it and experiencing more conventions in the future.