At a young age I found the original Ghost In The Shell movie, and it helped cultivate my love of anime alongside Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho. She was this amazingly powerful character who was trying to find her purpose, and herself, and at a time in my life where I didn’t know if who I was, was actually me instead of a mask, it was extremely important for me to see. I even got the neck ports she has tattooed on my own neck as a constant tie to her character.
I originally planned on wearing her to SakuraCon, and ordered the cosplay from online because I didn’t think I had the ability to make the suit and leggings up to my own standard. However, once the cosplay arrived I knew I had to go the step beyond and make at least the torso better. I scoured EBay for the right fabric (which was one of the WORST WEEKS) before settling on a two toned semi stretch lycra that became the key fabric for this cosplay. Twenty eight mock ups later gave me the right shape, cut, and silhouette we see Motoko wear in the show. After that is was the downhill stride of finding and fabricating boots and other small details.
As much as it was amazing to wear Motoko again, I had a lot more of a positive reception down at Sakura Con, where I met some AMAZING Ghost In The Shell cosplayers, and made a few for-life friends from it too! As for Senshi, I did have fun taking photos with the people who recognized me, and of course, meeting her VA Mary Elizabeth McGlynn in costume was the highest honor!
In a message to cosplayers in the lower 48: watch out! The cosplay scene up here is a gathering storm of greatness, and I see nothing impeding the growth and skill of these amazing people! I know quite a few prepping to compete on a national level, so look out below!