On Sunday, “A Galaxy of Fashion,” a fashion show sponsored by Galaxy magazine, featured Karen Anderson, Jean Berman, Judy Blish, Marsha Brown, Julie Jardine, Barbi Johnson, Sheila Kamper, Lois Lavender, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Barbara Silverberg, Maggie Thompson, Robin White and Betsy Wollheim modeling futuristicostumes, according to the program book. (Other participants, photographed by Jay Kay Klein, were Sherry Jackson, Ruth Kyle, Carol Pohl and Mary Young.) lture. Yet, forests and other ecosystems hang in the balance, threatened to become croplands, pasture, and plantations.
It was directed by Luise Petti, with Bjo Trimble as a consultant who suggested designs and helped those making their own costumes. Elizabeth Pickering, a Star Trek model, brought to the con by Gene Roddenberry to promote the premiere, also appeared, as well as helping out backstage.
Bio Trimble: John and I were going to Tricon in Cleveland, 1966, to set up the Art Show. A friend was to handle a Futuristic Fashion Show, but she got appendicitis and that project went to me. At the convention, the con-com told me they had promised this Big Hollywood TV Producer that he could put three of his costumes in my fashion show, but since we were already so tight for time, I said no. None of us had any idea what show he was talking about; he was premiering three episodes at Tricon, but it had not yet been aired. A little later, this big handsome man jollied me into putting his costumes in the show: two from “Mudd’s Women” and one from “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”. The upshot was that we made friends with Gene (Roddenberry), and afterward visited the Star Trek set fairly often when we all returned to California. Gene was thrilled that the fans liked his show since everyone in Hollywood was betting it would not last very long. [source]