Sometimes having some specific questions helps. Use the Generate button to pick a random question from around twenty questions.
How did you come about to pick this character?
What part of cosplay do you enjoy the most -Crafting, premiering your costume meeting new people etc?
How do you choose a character to cosplay?
Was there anything that was notcovered you like to comment on?
Thoughts about cosplay social media?
You know you are a cosplayer when __________________
What have you learn about yourself through cosplay?
Have you ever quit cosplay and returned? What bought you back?
What is the worst thing about the cosplay community?
What was your first convention experience like?
What is your social media / cosplay / online handle and how did you come up with it?
What are you proudest of? (does not have to be cosplay-related)
What advice would you give your younger self about cosplay?
Can you tell me about a moment when a person s kindness made a difference in your life?
Who inspires you within the cosplay community?
How do you deal with cosplay burnout?
Tell me your cosplay origin story
What project are you working on next? (does not have to be cosplay-related)
What is your favorite response to this cosplay at the convention?
If you made or thift store it then tell me about how you went about putting it together?
What kind of cosplayer do you consider yourself?
Why do you cosplay?
Is cosplay a hobby you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
What is a cosplay pet peeve of yours?
What was your favorite cosplay project?
What is cosplay to you?
Do you have cosplay that are sometimes painful for uncomfortable?
How far do you within character?
Embarrassing cosplay moments?
Dream photo shoot
Character worn the most?
Most comfortable cosplay and why
Most uncomfortable cosplay and why?
Do you. have a favorite cosplayer ?
What is your funniest cosplay story?
What. is your definition of a pro cosplayer?
Have you been in a cosplay contest?
What bothers you the most about cosplay
What have you gained from cosplay?