

  • Warren (Chicago, IL)

    Warren (Chicago, IL)

    Susumu Kodai from Space Battleship YamatoCosplayer: @the.yamato.boyPhoto : @m_padron15 Funny enough at anime cons, not a lot of people recognize it as the Space Battleship Yamato, they usually just get hyped over seeing a massive ship at a con or war buffs notice the resemblance. Only a couple of people have recognized it. The ones…


  • Sterling & Gretchen (Kansas City, MO)

    Sterling & Gretchen (Kansas City, MO)

    “One year there was an evangelist preaching outside to all us con-goers telling us what we were doing was sinful, and a bunch of cosplayers went up and gave him hugs. Well, they tried to. He wasn’t having any of it.” – Gretchen


  • Yaya Han (Atlanta, GA)

    Yaya Han (Atlanta, GA)

    “When I quit my job to open a costume commission business in 2005, I took the leap to making cosplay my only source of income. Since then my business has slowly, painfully, amazingly developed into a variety of branches, all of which have something to do with cosplay and geek convention culture.”



  • 30th Anniversary of Cosplay

    By Takahashi Nobuyuki The word “Cosplay” spread from a magazine called “My Anime.” During the 1970’s manga clubs and movie clubs were very popular among college students. During the early 70’s there was a strike done by students about policy and rules. College manga clubs were formed around this time the act of protesting against…


  • A brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, America’s first anime fan club

    By Sy Sable On 4/4/2020, Sy Sable (Mark Merlino) sent this brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, founded in 1977. His story comes from recent message trading with someone interested in the C/FO and those involved. He couldn’t connect her to people out of contact for over 20 years, but he could tell how the…


  • How The Cartoon/Fantasy Organization – torchbearers of anime in America in the 80s – was brought down

    By Infinitus_Potentia (Reddit) I’ve been making a list of notable people who had a hand in shaping the American anime fandom before 2000 (which you can read and comment here). One thing in common between these figures was their association with the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization (C/FO), which was the forefather of the anime club as we…


Currently seeking Cosplay Origin Stories as well as your experience with the pandemic for our archive.

Further Reading

A Treasure Trove of Cosplay from the Swinging 1970s [NSFW] by Ron Miller

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