Gretchen (Kansas City) & Sterling
I was so nervous! Everyone was so supportive and complimentary though. And I was so excited to dress up as one of my favorite anime characters! It ended up being a lot of fun, and encouraged me to do it more often. It was the most magical experience of my entire life. I felt like…
DJ Croft (Atlanta, GA)
Photo : @mandragora_media I’ve always wanted to be Lara Croft because of how strong, confident, bold, and how fun she is as a character . My cosplay journey started back in 2016 when I was inspired to do a genderbend Lara Croft cosplay. I started learning how to make costumes out from scratch by watching others…
Sunday Creature
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater), Spartoi variant (2010) When I started high school – I was in a magnet program, so I went out of area, new school, completely new people – a new friend there introduced me to manga, and later to the idea of anime cons. We planned to go to Otakon together (ironically,…
I print out multiple references and in my sketchbook I draw out the separate pieces that are not so visible. I also research fabric types and write them down so I have an idea on what I want and include extra pieces I might need to help me put the outfit together more conveniently. – Hlee Xyooj…
Consuela Cosplay
The character of Consuela was actually suggested to me by a close friend when I was looking for a cosplay idea for Emerald City Comic Con. I didn’t want a character that was over sexualized, nor a character that would be common. I wanted a character that would fit my physique, simple enough to put…
Cosplay: The Illegitimate Child of SF Masquerades
by Michael Bruno The most enlightening panel of the entire convention turned out to be not what I was really expecting. During the “Cosplay Roundtable” panel at Nan Desu Kan 2002 this last weekend, I was expecting a panel of costumers to be answering questions posed by the audience. However, this was not the case.…