30th Anniversary of Cosplay
By Takahashi Nobuyuki The word “Cosplay” spread from a magazine called “My Anime.” During the 1970’s manga clubs and movie clubs were very popular among college students. During the early 70’s there was a strike done by students about policy and rules. College manga clubs were formed around this time the act of protesting against…
A brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, America’s first anime fan club
By Sy Sable On 4/4/2020, Sy Sable (Mark Merlino) sent this brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, founded in 1977. His story comes from recent message trading with someone interested in the C/FO and those involved. He couldn’t connect her to people out of contact for over 20 years, but he could tell how the…
How The Cartoon/Fantasy Organization – torchbearers of anime in America in the 80s – was brought down
By Infinitus_Potentia (Reddit) I’ve been making a list of notable people who had a hand in shaping the American anime fandom before 2000 (which you can read and comment here). One thing in common between these figures was their association with the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization (C/FO), which was the forefather of the anime club as we…
A Brief History of the rec.arts.anime newsgroup
By Alan Takashita Life before r.a.a.——————Well, frankly, people mostly just didn’t talk much about anime.This was the time period where Robotech was the big anime-related thing. At the time, I was a relatively new anime fan, havingjust watched “Robotech” (due mostly to some raving that I’d heardover on rec.arts.comics about how much “better” this cartoon was…).…