T.J Burnside Clapp (Arlington, VA)
The photos were taken at the 1977 Halloween party that was hosted by the University of Maryland Association of Star Trek (UMAST). I was a 16-year-old high school student in Maryland, and UMAST was the local Star Trek group that held the Trek convention called The August Party (starting with my very first convention, in…
Monkey Monsters Cosplay (Los Angeles, CA)
Santos Medrano : The idea came from a joke that I made about myself. See, I love cosplaying, I always loved the idea of dressing up, sadly I lost my hair in 2011 and it made it hard to cosplay. Unless I’m Uncle Fester or Charlie Brown, there’s not much I can do. Plus being Latino, I…
Vaultfox (Pittsburgh, PA)
Cosplay is not only my creative outlet, it’s sort of morphed into my own personal therapy over the years. I started cosplaying back in 2016 when I bought a few thrifted pieces for a Piper Wright cosplay from Fallout 4. I went to PAX EAST that same year and cosplayed with my husband and some friends when we…
@Wasted_Fett (Las Vegas, NV)
Once you learn how to make molds and casts in which there’s hundreds of techniques and tons of materials to work with, the most difficult part is actually finding the space for everything and keeping your space clean through proper housekeeping. It’s the most annoying part and the most time consuming part to have to…
Jeremy Fisher (Los Angeles, CA)
My first home built costume was Boba Fett for Halloween back in 1997. Ever since I saw the original trilogy, Star Wars has been a huge part of my life and influenced me to pursue a career as a stop motion animator and sculptor. Once my Powdered Toast Man cosplay was complete, I knew I…