Clinton (Owasso, OK)
I’ve always been a big fan of superheroes and I have a big fondness for a lot of the classics, especially Golden Age (1940s) versions. A friend and I had worked out to be Flashes together. I was going to be the classic Jay Garrick Flash and she was going to be Kid Flash (Wally…
@FernsideDragons (Seattle, WA)
CIA What inspired the Nyan cat? MEGAN I have loved Nyan cat ever since I first watched the video in April 2011. Nyan cat has always brought me joy in the times when I needed it most. So, for years I have wanted to create a Nyan cat cosplay, but none of my previous ideas…
Jordan Rennert (Los Angeles, CA)
I have been working on Cosplay Universe since 2015, so that means it’s been about seven years! I met Lauren St. Laurent while working on a previous film with my filmmaking partner Patrick Meaney: that film was ’Chris Claremont’s X-Men’. We connected with Lauren because she had some incredible X-Men cosplays that we discovered online.…
Sheik (San Francisco, CA)
I grew up watching Wonder Woman with Linda Carter in it because my mom loved watching the show. I loved how beautiful, smart and tough she was. Everything you kind of want to be but hardly see in shows with women. You may have pretty, you may have smart…but to be kicking butt too? So…
@CosplayMom99 (Los Angeles, CA)
Photo: @bb49r Everything Everywhere All At Once went viral and it was really exciting to see all of the buzz about it. Seeing Jamie Lee Curtis win the Oscar made me really decide to go through with this new cosplay in time for WonderCon. I actually didn’t have that much time but got picked up…
Kim (Anchorage, AK)
I am a self taught seamstress, and aside from one class about how to thread my machine back when I was 13 everything else has been a mix of trial and error as well as help from YouTube and fellow cosplayers! My first costume was a crazy mix of spandex and cotton with princess seams…
It was directed by Luise Petti, with Bjo Trimble as a consultant who suggested designs and helped those making their own costumes. Elizabeth Pickering, a Star Trek model, brought to the con by Gene Roddenberry to promote the premiere, also appeared, as well as helping out backstage. Bio Trimble: John and I were going to Tricon in Cleveland, 1966, to set up…
Ted (Los Angeles, CA)
I’ve loved comics and superheroes ever since I was a kid. That was a long time ago, but I haven’t given up my “kid spirit”. Around 2000 I saw other people online starting to do superhero costumes, and with the urging of a friend I decided to get my first costume – the…
Benjamin (Cypress, CA)
I spend well over a year combining as many outfits as I could to create closet cosplays that actually weren’t half bad, and over time I got better at recognizing what things could go together and look good, and by the end of that year I had made over 120 costumes in addition to the…
OYIMI Cosplay (Seattle, WA)
We, Ben (Lone Starr), Victoria (Barf), and Karen (Dark Helmet), start tossing out ideas where we can convincingly incorporate the wheelchair into the cosplay. There is usually a bit of bantering back and forth until we come to a consensus. We all agreed that making the Winnebago from “Spaceballs” would be fun and unique. It’s…