@blueclarice (Pennsylvania)
I’ve always enjoyed dressing up. When I was a kid I would refuse to go anywhere without wearing a tiara which eventually evolved in me not going anywhere without my detective hat. But then one day when I was 14 I decided to dress up as a character from my favorite anime at the time…
@super.ultra.omega (Rhode Island)
( photo: BakedKristi ) With my builds, I do my best to pay the ultimate tribute. ‘Toy Story’ has been a franchise that never ceases to take me back to the joys of my childhood. With Buzz Lightyear being my favorite character from the franchise, I decided to pay the ultimate tribute the only way…
@NIMSCRAFT (Cleveland, OH)
My Assassin’s Creed outfit was my one of my most ambitious projects and I have learned a lot of crafting techniques in the process of making it: leatherwork, embroidery, sculpting etc. . I have redone several pieces over the years and its still my most treasured possession (in terms of cosplay). While the Assassin’s Creed…
Miss Relena & Angelic Threads (Hurricane, UT & Las Vegas, NV)
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the Alice in Wonderland stories from when I was little. When Ouran High School Host Club was released, I was equally in love. So when they combined the two for an episode, I simply had to cosplay from it! I chose the Queen because the Carnevale di Venezia…
Logan Allen Wolf (Atlanta, GA)
Since I had a Spider-Man costume, I decided to bring it and wear it – much to the dismay of my childhood friend Kevin. I can hear my friend Kevin’s words to this day: “When you wear this: you don’t know me, I don’t know you. You will be over there (pointing) and I will…
Sumikins cosplay (portland, OR)
I am cosplaying Rue from Princess Tutu – Specifically her Fire Festival dress from Episode 5. Princess Tutu is arguably my favorite series of all time. I love all of the characters and so many of the designs, and at the time I had plans to take a trip to Germany as visit the town that the…
CaffEineCraft & Setterspecs (Chicago, IL)
Photo: Payton’s Photography CAFFEINECRAFT: This is the story of how Setterspecs and I met and how things came together for us to get married the day before Anime Central 2023 in Chicago. I started going to cons in the 2000s, though never for more than a day and not every year either. I did not…
Stephen (New York CIty, NY)
I started cosplaying for last year’s NYC Comic Con and loved it, That year I was a Jedi Knight and a Elven Decker from the RPG Shadowrun. I do cosplay with my girlfriend and roommate and other friends. I love making the costumes and seeing how creative I can get with altering stuff to match characters and…
LuckyGrim Cosplay (Boston, MA)
As soon as all of us in Sakizou costumes found each other we gushed over each others costumes. In this photo was showing the girls the new metal filigree technique I learned, putting gold hot glue into silicone candy molds. We spent most of our time trading craftsmanship ideas and just being adorable nerds. I…
IAN (Dallas, TX)
I was reading the comic Young Avengers when it re-launched from Marvel. It was not only super funny but super insightful about gender norms and race. As a black nerd these types of issues are often overlooked for more typical “white male burden issues”. So I knew i wanted to do a character from the…