Nicole (Houston, TX)
The online cosplay contest are scary to me. They [the judges] do not see all the details or hand stitched parts you have done. All you can do it describe it and hope they can see it in the photo if the image is large enough to begin with. However, most of the time, it…
Xander (Austin, TX)
Photo: Kevin Lillard. It was sometime in the very early 2000s, probably 2000 or 2001. I discovered the website A Fan’s View run by Kevin Lillard. He went to many, many conventions and took pictures of everyone in costume that he could. I checked it every week just to see more photos of these people…
Giggle Maker Cosplay (Atlanta, GA)
I am a big proponent of women owning their own power and Dessi Desu’s designs really encapsulate that idea. I loved that she captured the power of Wonder Woman without yielding any femininity; too often I think our culture conceives of strength in terms of strictly masculine aesthetics, but her artwork spoke to the truth…
Kelsey (Atlanta, GA)
Since it’s a local landmark, people from out of town didn’t understand it – they just stared in confusion. But Atlanta locals LOVED IT! I’d hear people scream “OMG, THE BIG CHICKEN!!” and they were just so excited. I got to hear so many stories about peoples connections to the actual Big Chicken, I didn’t…
Nikki Moxxi (Orange County, CA)
I was running out of time to create my Anime Expo cosplays (one week before con!) And I knew I wanted to do something challenging but manageable. I remembered that Monster Musume has a bunch of characters with unique features, so I latched on to Miia as my one week challenge! Bringing it to life…
Kryten (California)
Sure, well the reason I picked the Doctor was pretty much when I was in college a friend of mine introduced me to the TV show Doctor Who. I watched all the new series as well as parts of the new series. When they introduced Peter Capaldi as the new doctor, I saw an amazing…
MelPool (Washington DC)
So last year when I was with my family over Christmas break, I binge watched Young Justice on Netflix. When YJ first came out I was still super busy with school and never got around to watching it, but after I finally binge watched it I was blown away by how deep the story and…
Stephen (UTAH)
I have only kind of dabbled in cosplay. I don’t go to a ton of cons because of money, but I love AX so I try to go every year, primarily for the cosplay. I got started with Assassin’s Creed cause it just looked really cool. The following year I did a Ganondorf cosplay and…
Corey (Anchorage, AK)
I actually decided on cosplaying Bob Ross while I was out looking for a mask for a different cosplay and my mom pointed out how this one afro wig just screamed Bob Ross. That was pretty much all it took for me to change plans and buy the wig instead, the rest came together pretty…
Shasta (Anchorage, AK)
After binge watching Dragon ball super, I was excited to see a new females character introduced in the series, Vados. She was shrewd, humorously sarcastic, and possibly stronger than Goku (well at least at the time.) I knew early on that creating Vados would be challenging, because there weren’t any commercial sewing patterns available that…