Warren (Chicago, IL)
Susumu Kodai from Space Battleship YamatoCosplayer: @the.yamato.boyPhoto : @m_padron15 Funny enough at anime cons, not a lot of people recognize…
Sterling & Gretchen (Kansas City, MO)
“One year there was an evangelist preaching outside to all us con-goers telling us what we were doing was sinful,…
Yaya Han (Atlanta, GA)
“When I quit my job to open a costume commission business in 2005, I took the leap to making cosplay…
Lindsay (Chicago, IL)
“As for my best con experience, it has to be at SDCC 2013. I ran into the producers of Tron:…
Bryan Morton (Los Angeles,CA)
“Why Superman? He represents a person trying to live up to the best potential of himself he can be. He…
Jeff & Elizabeth, (Minnesota, MN)
Earlier in my life as a teenager I observed that as the people around me aged they seemed to stop…
KnightmaGe (Youngstown, OH)
’ve always loved Spawn as a character but loved his design even more. It took me about 15 hours total…
Fallen Feathers Cosplay (Ooltewah, TN)
Been cosplaying since 2001, but I personally haven’t been sewing until 2011. I’ve always loved Halloween and to have a…
Lady AVA Designs (Baltimore, MD)
I stumbled upon Otakon 2001 through an ad in Animerica Magazine. With anticipation and a lot of begging, I convinced…
Katana Cosplay (Reno, NV)
I (Kate) am the one who manages the accounts and does most of the cosplay work. Nana is there for…
Nicole (Houston, TX)
The online cosplay contest are scary to me. They [the judges] do not see all the details or hand stitched…
Xander (Austin, TX)
Photo: Kevin Lillard. It was sometime in the very early 2000s, probably 2000 or 2001. I discovered the website A…
Giggle Maker Cosplay (Atlanta, GA)
I am a big proponent of women owning their own power and Dessi Desu’s designs really encapsulate that idea. I…
Kelsey (Atlanta, GA)
Since it’s a local landmark, people from out of town didn’t understand it – they just stared in confusion. But…
Nikki Moxxi (Orange County, CA)
I was running out of time to create my Anime Expo cosplays (one week before con!) And I knew I…