Michael Morimoto
Hello Brandon et all: Brandon, I am sorry to hear that you were hazed at the con and that I had missed bumping into you. I did not go to A-Kon last year so this was my first one. I had heard good things about last years (plus seen video 8^) ) and was eager…
Kathleen Donnelly, Mercury News
Animation that’s for adults only By Kathleen DonnellyMercury News Entertainment Writer IF THE turnout at AnimeCon – a convention for fans of Japaneseanimation – is an indication, Americans will soon be watching animated couples do what comes naturally. And we’re not talking about Elmer Fudd chasing Bugs Bunny, either. About 3,000 lovers of Japanese animation…
noel Gamboa
The con was rad. The dealer’s room was alright; most of thedealers there I’ve already seen at the San Diego Comic Con, with the exception of U.S. Manga Corps and Gainax/General Products. Manga Corps’”I Give It All” video was hilarious, and they had some rad Dominion posters up. General Products had some awesome stuff (call…
Brian Flynn
The early anime cons (A-kon, Anime con’91, Anime expo’92) were all about the experience, because it was new for everyone. From finding new merch that you had never seen before, getting to know new people by posting, or answering a flier on the bulletin board in the hotel lobby looking to trade tapes. Making fun…
Title: CosplayGen Publisher: Otaku Entertainment First Issue: 2010 Number of Issues 9 Years 2010-2018 Country / language Romania, English DETAILS Cosplay Gen(eration), a project brought by the Otaku Magazine team, is an independent magazine (no ADS) focused on the worldwide promoting of cosplayers and of various Japanese fashion trends. The 72 pages of the magazine will include…