amuly21 (North Carolina)
In 2014, I wore the comic book Captain Marvel costume to HeroesCon, a guy ran up to me and asked if I could take a picture with his baby daughter. She was wearing a little Captain Marvel shirt and red boots and was just the cutest thing. I tried to hold her but she squirmed…
It really does go back to ancient days of AOL – usenet boards (rec.arts.anime) anime chatrooms where you might accidentally stumble upon a fellow nerd who had the latest Sailor Moon fansub tape they were willing to trade (for either a blank tape or in one absolutely true case, some recently aired X-Files episodes) From…
Chip (CHicago, IL)
My group of friends usually gets pretty into Halloween, so everyone wants to have a good costume. And through that I found it was fun to create costumes. I honestly haven’t made that many, but I am proud of my cell-shaded Cyril Figgis suit, from Archer. The Louis Tully helmet was constructed by my good…
ANNA MINA (North Carolina)
For years I’ve seen Jim Shore’s Disney Traditions figures and thought they were beautiful– they’re still Disney, but very unique compared to the original character designs, with intricate patterns and painting-like elements. When my friend showed me the series that this Ariel design was from, I was immediately hooked and knew I had to cosplay…
It was about a month out from the convention and a Black Rock Shooter group I was going to be a part of ended up not happening so last minute, I had to decide on a different cosplay. I figured that the best way to choose a cosplay is to think of a character from…
Delta Major (New York City, NY)
I love cosplay but wanted to step out of doing exact replicas of the characters; instead, I wanted to do my own take on the characters by adding my own flare, while still giving ode to the characters and their essence. I came up with the idea for my Venom Mask dress while looking at…
I’d been cosplaying for a couple of years when I did my first “joke” cosplay, which was Pokémon Go themed, and was floored by how many people wanted to hang out with me and get my picture. I’d never gotten so much attention or had so much fun at a con before, and I quickly…
Super Reflex Cos
I’ve been a fan of Kirby games pretty much my entire life. King Dedede was one of my original cosplay ideas when I first started going to cons. I first experienced and heard of conventions back in 2006 I believe. Thanks to my brother, I was able to go to my first Ohayocon in 2007…
Photo : Felix Wong. I was surprised that so many people at the convention recognized who I was cosplaying! I expected that not many people would know because my character is not from an anime or a comic, but most people that I spoke to undoubtedly knew who I was! I had an overwhelming amount…
Photo: @terrance_clifford Dani is one of the few fully developed Indigenous characters in comic book history, let alone a Native Woman. I decided to give her more authenticity by including items like Native-made jewelry and a bandana that highlights Indigenous philosophies and issues: Defend-Resist, Protect- Renew. The response at cons is always well received. Sometimes…