@Houston_Fisk (Houston, TX)
Alrighty so here’s my story. Dallas Comic Con . This was my first con to ever attend and I didn’t want to do cosplay at the time, because I was 16 years old and thought grown people dressing up for these events was absurd. Boy how wrong I was! I was hooked after that day.…
Vaultfox (Pittsburgh, PA)
Cosplay is not only my creative outlet, it’s sort of morphed into my own personal therapy over the years. I started cosplaying back in 2016 when I bought a few thrifted pieces for a Piper Wright cosplay from Fallout 4. I went to PAX EAST that same year and cosplayed with my husband and some friends when we…
Subaru Camui (Las Vegas, NV)
So my cosplay origin story started back when I was in fifth grade. I was 10 and my mom told me she couldn’t afford to get me a Halloween costume that year. So I stayed up all night being really sad about it and then suddenly I had an idea. So I ran around my…
Cosplay Repair Fairy
I pretty much carry on with anything, and I mean anything, that I think could be useful. I have the basics that anyone would have like needle and thread, super glue, hot glue, safety pins, bobby pins, and the super useful carpet tape. I then have some of the useful things that people might not…
@Wasted_Fett (Las Vegas, NV)
Once you learn how to make molds and casts in which there’s hundreds of techniques and tons of materials to work with, the most difficult part is actually finding the space for everything and keeping your space clean through proper housekeeping. It’s the most annoying part and the most time consuming part to have to…
Phaleure Cosplay (Columbia, MD)
We are all pretty local to each other so we do it quite often at least once or twice before each major con. If we can’t meet in person we do Google hangouts. It’s much more motivating to cosplay on groups because if you are in a slump the progress of your pals could inspire…
Lisachu (Anchorage, AK)
I chose to make a Vault Suit because Fallout is one of my favorite games. I’ve made other outfits from the series in the past, but held off from making a vault suit because I couldn’t decide which vault number I wanted to put on the back. I started thinking it would be interesting to…
@DraconPern (San Antonio, TX)
It started probably back in 2006 or 2007. You get bored and you look online for anime-related stuff and by chance I see these characters, these photos online. It wasn’t even that popular in Japan at that time, there was only a few sites where people posted photos and that is how I first found…
Josh & Sheena (Christiana, TN)
We met in high school and started dating. I used to carry a DragonBallZ notebook. I had about three or four hundred DragonBall Z pictures in it. Her being an anime fan, it pulled her right over.. We did our honeymoon at Anime South 2009 What makes or breaks any con is the people .I…
Jez Roth (Las Vegas, NV)
I opened up the School of Cosplay in November of 2019, right before covid. And I wanted to open this because I’ve been cosplaying since I was 13 and when we started out back, then there were no tutorials. There was nothing to help us and it was very much a desert of any type…